Yma yn Ysgol Gymraeg Parc y Tywyn rydym ni'n anelu i fod yn Ysgol Awtistiaeth Gyfeillgar. Ein nod ydy creu awyrgylch gynhwysol i bob disgybl, beth bynnag ydy eu cryfderau ac anawsterau.
Cofiwch ddod i siarad gydag athro dosbarth eich plentyn, neu gyda'r Cyd-gysylltydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (CADY), os oes gennych chi unrhyw bryderon am eich plentyn.
Here at Ysgol Gymraeg Parc y Tywyn we are aiming to be an Autistic Friendly School. Our objective is to create an inclusive atmosphere for every pupil, regardless of what their strengths and weaknesses may be.
Remember to speak to your child's class teacher, or to the Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo), if you have an concerns about your child.