
YGG Parc Y Tywyn 'Annog Annibyniaeth, Bachu Brwdfrydedd, Cyfoethogi Creadigrwydd'


Croeso i / Welcome to YGG Parc Y Tywyn 'Annog Annibyniaeth, Bachu Brwdfrydedd, Cyfoethogi Creadigrwydd'

Maes Parcio / Car park


Annwyl rieni a gofalwyr,

Yn dilyn adolygiad o'n gweithdrefnau rheoli traffig, hoffwn rannu'r gweithdrefnau canlynol i sicrhau mynediad diogel i'r ysgol ac oddi yno. Pwrpas y weithred hon yw sicrhau amgylchedd diogel i blant a rhieni / gwarcheidwaid sy'n teithio yn ôl ac ymlaen i’r ysgol yn ddyddiol.


Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi beidio â theithio'n gyflymach na 5 milltir yr awr ar dir yr ysgol.


Ni chaniateir i rieni barcio ym maes parcio'r staff - mae rhieni i ddefnyddio'r maes parcio mawr. Gyrrwch yn ddiogel ac yn araf ger yr ysgol a pheidiwch â pharcio mewn ardaloedd sy'n rhwystro llif y traffig.


Parcio i'r anabl - Os ydych chi'n ddeiliad bathodyn glas ac yn ymweld â'r ysgol, mae bae parcio dynodedig i'r anabl ar y chwith wrth i chi fynd i mewn i faes parcio'r ysgol. Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi beidio â defnyddio'r cilfachau hyn oni bai bod gennych fathodyn glas dilys.


Cyfrifoldeb rhieni - Dylai disgyblion aros gyda'u rhieni / gwarcheidwaid wrth fynd i'w ceir. Ar ôl i'r plant gael eu trosglwyddo gan y staff i'w rhieni ar ddiwedd y dydd, eich cyfrifoldeb chi wedyn yw sicrhau eu diogelwch. Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi gadw llygad ar eich plant a sicrhau nad ydyn nhw'n rhedeg o gwmpas. Cadwch at y prif balmant a chroeswch y maes parcio trwy'r groesfan Sebra / prif lif yng nghanol y maes parcio. Mae llawer o blant a rhieni yn croesi'r heol/ ffordd mewn manau peryglus! Mae ceir hefyd yn parcio’n anystyriol neu ar linellau igam-ogam a gall hyn achosi problemau gwelededd i gerddwyr o bob oed sy’n croesi’r ffordd!


A allech sicrhau os gwelwch yn dda nad ydych yn rhwystro'r trigolion leol rhag dod i mewn neu adael eu cartrefi pan fyddwch chi'n dod â'ch plentyn / plant i'r ysgol neu'n eu casglu. PEIDIWCH Â PARCIO DROS DREIF Y PRESWYLWYR AR UNRHYW ADEG.


Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi rannu'r wybodaeth hon gyda phob aelod o'r teulu sy'n gollwng neu'n casglu plant o'r ysgol.


Rwy’n deall ei bod yn brysur yn y boreau a’r prynhawniau ac y gall parcio, fel yn y mwyafrif o ysgolion, fod yn anodd, ond mae gan bob un ohonom gyfrifoldeb i sicrhau diogelwch plant, rhieni, staff ac ymwelwyr o amgylch maes parcio'r ysgol.



Dear parents and carers,

Following a review of our traffic management procedures on our site, I would like to share the following procedures to ensure safe access to and from the school. The purpose of this action is to ensure a safe environment for children and parents/guardians who travel to and from the school on a daily basis.


We kindly ask you not to travel faster than 5 miles per hour on the school grounds. 


Parents are not allowed to park in the staff car park - parents are to use the large car park. Please drive safely and slowly near the school and don’t park in areas that block the flow of traffic.


Disabled bay parking – If you are a blue badge holder and visiting the school, there are designated disabled parking bay to the left as you enter the school car park. We kindly ask that you do not use these bays unless you have a valid blue badge.


Parental responsibility - Pupils should stay with their parents / guardians when going to their cars. Once the children have been handed over by the staff to their parents at the end of the day, it is then your responsibility to ensure their safety. We kindly ask that you keep an eye on your children and ensure that they are not running around. Please keep to the main pavement and cross the car park via the main flow Zebra crossing at the centre of the car park. Many children and parents are crossing the main flow / one way system road and this is dangerous! Cars are also parking inconsiderately or on zigzag lines and this can cause visibility issues for pedestrians of all ages who are crossing the road!


Could you please ensure that you do not impede the local residence entering or leaving their homes when you bring or collect your child/children from school. PLEASE DO NOT PARK OVER DRIVEWAYS OF THE RESIDENTS AT ANY TIME.


We kindly ask that you share this information with all members of the family who drop off or collect children from school.


I understand that it is busy in the mornings and afternoons and that parking, as in the majority of schools, can be difficult, but we all have a responsibility to ensure the safety of children, parents, staff and visitors around the school car park.
