Rydym yma i gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol drwy hyrwyddo cyflawniad a llesiant i bawb.
Mae'r system ar gyfer cefnogi plant a phobl ifanc ag anghenion addysgol arbennig ac anabledd yng Nghymru wedi newid. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno system fwy hyblyg ac ymatebol o ddiwallu anghenion plant a phobl ifanc ag anghenion addysgol arbennig neu anableddau ac mae'n ymdrechu i ddarparu system addysg gwbl gynhwysol ar gyfer dysgwyr Cymru. Mae’r system Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol newydd wedi’i chyflwyno’n raddol o fis Medi 2021.
We are here to support children and young people with additional learning needs through promoting achievement and wellbeing for all.
The system for supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disability in Wales has changed. The Welsh Government has brought in a more flexible and responsive system of meeting the needs of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and is striving to deliver a fully inclusive education system for the learners of Wales. The new Additional Learning Needs system has been phased in from September 2021.
Datrys Anghydfod/Resolving Disagreements
Rydym yn defnyddio arferion sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn i helpu pob dysgwr i ddysgu’n fwy effeithiol, gan adlewyrchu eu cryfderau a’u diddordebau unigol. Mae perthnasoedd hefyd yn fwy cynhyrchiol a chadarnhaol ac mae staff, dysgwyr a rhieni yn ei chael yn haws rhannu gwybodaeth.
Mae'r defnydd o offer a dulliau gweithredu sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn yn galluogi cyfarfodydd ac adolygiadau i fod yn anffurfiol. Maent yn hamddenol ac yn anfygythiol i bawb, tra'n rhoi ffordd drylwyr a systematig i chi arwain at gynllunio, gweithredu a chanlyniadau cynhyrchiol sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth pwerus i'n disgyblion.
We use person-centred practices to help all learners learn more effectively, reflecting their individual strengths and interests. Relationships are also more productive and positive and staff, learners and parents find it easier to share information.
The use of person-centred tools and approaches allow meetings and reviews to have an informal approach. They are relaxed and unthreatening for everyone, while giving you a thorough and systematic way to lead to productive planning, action and outcomes which make a powerful difference to our pupils.
Every pupil at Parc y Tywyn will have a One Page Profile. You as parents will be invited to give your input to your child's profile in order for us to get to know what is important to each individual pupil and how best to support them.
Why do we use one-page profiles?
support learners’ learning
reflect ‘pupil voice’
support transition across the key stages
provide key information for supply teachers.
A one-page profile describes a pupil’s character, gifts and talents; what is important to them; and the best way to support them.
What do one-page profiles contain?
There are three elements in a one-page profile.
Appreciation: what people like and admire about the pupil; their character, gifts and talents.
What is important to the pupil: what matters to the them, from their perspective?
How to support the pupil: expertise about how to get the best out of them, from their perspective and their family, teachers and other staff.
Our aim in creating a one-page profile is to discover what support a pupil needs, and to balance this with what is important to them.
Important to/important for
Getting a balance of what is important to and for our pupils underpins our approach. Person-centred practice brings the focus back onto the pupil.
Finding out what is important to and for all pupils is at the heart of creating their one-page profile, and later when necessary in developing outcomes and actions in person-centred reviews.
Important to
What is important to a pupil includes the things that really matter to them, that give pleasure and meaning, and provide quality of life. Knowing what makes our pupils happy is key .
Important for
What is important for our pupils includes those things that must happen in order for them to progress in their education, develop, and stay healthy and safe.
Balancing important to and important for
We all have to balance what is important to us and what is important for us.
The one-page profile helps us to describe this balance by setting out clearly what is important to and for each pupil in one place.
Where possible each one-page profile will be saved on HWB and accessed at home to allow everyone to collaborate.
Person-centred reviews: what are they?
A person-centred review is exactly that – it puts the pupil at the centre of the discussion and focuses on:
the aspirations of the pupil and their family
understanding what is important to the pupil
addressing what is important for the pupil to develop and progress
describing what good support looks like
analysing what is working and not working from different perspectives
developing an action plan based on person-centred outcomes.
One Page Profile+
If you or the class teacher have any concerns about a pupil you will be invited to a person centred review at school in order to cooperate to set targets for your child. The Support Sequence document will be completed to outline the additional support your child may need and to give you an opportunity to assess their progress against these targets over time. If after a period of monitoring the child does not make sufficient progress, then we will follow the Decision Making Model to decide if the pupil has Additional Learning Needs.